How to Powerful Page One Google

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This is a powerful way so that your article can become page one on Google.

How to Powerful Page One Google

The purpose of creating a website that is so that our articles can be read by others. Of course, many website writers want to make their articles number one on Google searches.

Why do people want their articles to be number one in Google search?

In addition to creating websites, the main goal of website writers is to put their articles on page one of Google, so that many people read their articles.

In addition to making their articles on Google search, there is also an advantage behind articles that are in the top position of Google searches, namely so that their website is known to many people.

Then how do you make your article number one in Google search?

There are several ways that must be done to be number one in google search, as follows;

1. Make Clear Articles

The first google page one way is to make clear articles, what does it mean to make clear articles? Creating Clear Articles in the sense, what is the purpose of making your website about? You can see this Mimin website for tips and tutorials about technology.

Apart from making articles that are clear, there is one more way, namely to make writings that are easy to understand by the reader, make articles using clear language and don't forget to use pictures As a complement to the article.

2. Ensure Website Can Be Viewed Easily On Mobile

The second step is to create a mobile friendly website, which is one that affects your website to be number one in Google search.

Because in today's digital era, which is growing rapidly Most internet users use mobile phones Tofind the latest information that is being talked about a lot in the world.

In essence, you have to create a website that is easily understood by mobile and computer users.

And don't forget to also pay attention to the speed of the website when it is being accessed using a cellphone or computer. The faster your website is accessed, the more your website will have a great chance to become page one of Google.

Make it convenient for readers when your website is accessed via cellphone Make the website friendly to readers.

3. Article Optimization Using Keywords

The next step is to create articles with the right keywords to become page one of Google.

If you want to write an article, make sure the words you use use the right keywords for the topic you want to create. The more keywords you create the bigger it is The opportunity for the article to be number one in google search.

Put keywords in the alt text of the image, the name of the content file, after the first hundred words, in the meta description, in the meta title, and in the permalink. If you are a WordPress site user, then give it a try Installing a plugin (Toast SEO) which is on the plugin menu on wordpress.

This feature will help to understand how to apply SEO on your WordPress website.

4. Choose a Topic That Has Many Interests

The next step is to choose a topic that many people are looking for or known as a niche.

There are many topics that you can choose for your website, here are some topics with a lot of interest;

  1. Finance (News about finance) you can see other people's websites that discuss finance and then understand the contents of the discussion.
  2. About technology (Current Technological Developments).
  3. Beauty & lifestyle .
  4. Tourism ( discusses tourism in a particular area / country).
  5. Education (talking about school subjects).

And there are many more topics for you to choose from.You can also create a website with the theme of your daily life.

5. Update Articles Every Day (consistent).

The last step is to make articles every day or consistently  The more diligent you are in making articles, the more readers will visit your website.

Getting our website on page one of Google takes quite a long time because this requires a lot of patience and thoroughness. However, a strategy that is quite effective is to update the content on the website regularly which is still in accordance with the requirements because this requires a lot of patience and thoroughness. However, a strategy that is quite effective is to update the content on the website regularly which is still in accordance with the requirements The purpose of your website.

Maybe that's enough discussion about how to become page one of Google, Mimin will update information about current technological developments.

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