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Tips for Blogs to be Easily Accepted by Google Adsense

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Tips for Blogs to be Easily Accepted by Google Adsense -

linkinaja.com - tips so that your blog/website is easily accepted by Google Adsense, especially for beginners who want to enter the world of blogging.

Before continuing with the tips, it would be nice for you to understand what Google Adsense is and what it does.

In the current online era, making money through social media is not difficult, there are many ways to make money via the internet, especially by registering a website or blog on an advertising service provider platform (ad publisher).

google adsense is an advertising service provider platform that is currently used by many people, not only that, many people are already rich by registering websites or other platforms on google adsense.

What is Google Adsense?

Quoted from linkinaja.com Google Adsense is an advertising program or you can also call it an advertisement that allows you to earn money from creating blogs, websites, YouTube and applications.

Google Adsense is an advertising program that uses CPC (Cost per click), the program will provide income based on advertisements posted on blogs, websites, YouTube and applications.

There are three ways of working from the Google Adsense program itself as follows;

1.Advertising Space

Provide ad space on websites where ads will be displayed by pasting the ad code that has been provided in the Google Adsense dashboard section.

2. The highest paying ads will appear on websites where the ad code has been pasted.

3. Getting Paid From the Google Adsense Program, if the two conditions above have been met then you will get income provided by the Google Adsense program.

So far, have you understood the meaning of Google Adsense? If you already understand Mimin, continue to the next discussion.

How to Register a Website with Google Adsense?

Registering a website or something else with Google Adsense is quite easy and simple. You only need to prepare a Gmail account and website to register with Google Adsense.

Here are the steps to register with Google Adsense:

  • Open google crome .
  • Click serach (  ads.google.com ).
  • Then click the start option.
  • The next step is to enter the website link that will be registered and make sure the website is active.
  • Then enter the email address you want to use to register for Google Adsense, click the check mark on the menu.
  • Then click save and continue.
  • Login using the google account that was registered earlier.
  • Choose a country according to your country.
  • Then read the Google Adsense terms and conditions, if you have clicked continue.
  • The final step is to click create an account.

When you already have a Google Adsense account, what else should you do? According to the title Mimin wrote, tips are easy to accept by Google Adsense.

If you have followed the methods above, then the next step is for you to do the tips from Mimin so that your website is quickly accepted by Google Adsense.

Tips for a Website or Blog to be Easily Accepted by Google Adsense.

There have been many tips shared by bloggers regarding easy ways to receive Google Adsense, but Mimin will provide a simple method, so there's no need to elaborate.

There are some simple tips so that the website is easily accepted by Google Adsense, as follows;

1. Create a navigation menu on your website, for example the About us menu, disclaimer, site map, contacts us, privacy police, and terms of service, the navigation menu must be on your website menu so that easily accepted by Google Adsense.

2. For the second step, namely, create unique articles and many people are looking for, examples of niches that are sought after by people, you can use niches such as the following, financial niches, techno niches, fashion or property niches, education niches, health niches and many more .

3. Make sure your website meets the policies stated in the Google Adsense program, you can read about it in the Google Adsense policy menu in the Google Adsense settings menu.

4. Register your website to the Google Search Console (GSC) and you can also register it to Google News (GNEWS).

If all of the methods above have been implemented Mimin can guarantee that your website will be more easily accepted by Google Adsense.

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